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This Week's Update: 26/02/2010
Written by Noirin Curran   
Feb 26, 2010 at 09:02 AM

Got that Friday Feeling?

Itzacon VI has ended, and this week we have published a scenario from the convention called "The Play's The Thing", which is a Warhammer Fantasy RPG. The writer, Padraic Barrett, was presented with the National Game Writer Award 2010 at Itzacon last weekend, and was ALSO presented with the Contribution to Irish Gaming Award 2010 at Warpcon earlier in the year.

We at IrishGaming.Com would like to say congratulations, it's all well deserved! "The Play's The Thing" will be Padraic's 10th game on IrishGaming.Com and there are definitely more where those came from, so be sure to check back over the next few weeks!

Although Itzacon is over, do not fear, we're smack-bang in the middle of the convention season right now. Leprecon Leprecon will be the next con to step up to the plate - running from the 12th-14th of March in Trinity College Dublin. We hope to see you there!

Happy Gaming!

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Last Updated ( Feb 26, 2010 at 09:25 AM )
This Week's Update - 19/02/2010
Written by Nick Huggins   
Feb 19, 2010 at 04:31 PM

This week's updatage is being done on the move, on the Stena Nordica, on the way home from the UK where I've been this end-of-week. Of course everyone who matters is at Itzacon this weekend, and rightly so. If you're sitting at home and reading this at the weekend, get thee to a train right now and visit Galway!

But seriously, because of the way we do the site, and because of the restrictions on Internet access here on the Irish Sea I can't upload any scenarios this week. Instead you'll all have to make do with the return of Natural20 to his semi-regular column - Random Thought Table. You can find this week's column here! Amusingly, the column was written in transit as well, on a train from Dublin to Cork. Isn't technology wonderful?

In other administrative news, Noirin spent some time this week alphabetising the writers on our "scenarios by author" page. I'm quietly delighted that we have enough authors now that it's worth alphabetising them!

Catch you all next week!

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This Week's Update - 12/02/2010
Written by Nick Huggins   
Feb 12, 2010 at 04:47 AM

Morning everyone! It's a short update this week - We present "Dreaming a Better Tomorrow" by err... me! It's the third of three scenarios in the "Heritage" universe of my own design. I'll be using it and the other Heritage games as an example in the forthcoming (and long overdue) "LARP Experiments #4" article.

Next con is the awesome Itzacon, which I'm gutted at not being able to make this year. Stoopid real-life priorities...

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