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Update: 28/05/2010
Written by Noirin Curran   
May 28, 2010 at 02:20 PM

It's Friday, once again, so here's hoping that you've got that Friday Feeling and that the sun continues to shine for a weekend which seems to be mostly comprised of Gaming, BBQs and the Eurovision!

This week we have a scenario from the lovely Ray O'Mahony - his Strike Force Zero game which I heard good reviews of at Warpcon 2010. In the Shadow of the Wicked City is for the more mature gamer, and recommended that it is played by Over 18s!

Happy Gaming!

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Update: 21/05/2010
Written by Noirin Curran   
May 21, 2010 at 02:05 PM

Hello Irish Gamers, long time no see!

Nick's been great and done the update for the past month as I've been a bit poorly and haven't done much gaming what with my time divided between hospitals and being at home in bed!

Information seems to be slowly trickling in for "Q-Con" and "BroCon" 2010 - the Summer conventions - which are happening in June in Belfast and July in Limerick respectively. I'm not sure about Q-Con yet, but I should most definitely be able to make BroCon, and looking forward to it!

Today we have a game for you by the prolific Padraic Barrett, which I quite enjoyed playing (and shooting one of the PCs during it) at Dominicon 2009: "The Flying Scotsman " is a GURPS: Hellboy game!

Happy Gaming!

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Last Updated ( May 21, 2010 at 02:07 PM )
Another Late Update - 19/5/2010
Written by Nick Huggins   
May 19, 2010 at 03:39 AM

Bah - Late again. And I have nothing to blame other than myself this time. Especially considering that Noirin's really not very well at all right now. Sorry, Internet-land! Maybe I'm getting lazy and flabby 'cos we're in the middle of games convention off-season. And since I can't make it to Q-Con this year... roll on BroCon!

In any case... here's "Sight Unseen" - one of Tad Cantwell's Dark Heresy scenarios. And if I don't manage an update on Friday I hereby authorise you all to come round the house and kick me in the ankles.

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