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Update! Print
Written by Nick Huggins   
Sep 12, 2010 at 12:42 PM

So I've been off doing my own thing for the past couple of weeks - one indy LARP in production, and then we're in the run up to Gaelcon. So I've been neglecting my duties and letting Noirin take all the glory!

The update this week is the scenario "Further Down the Rabbit Hole" by Wayne O'Connor. It's the sequel to the scenario "Burnout" which we also carry on the site. Hope you enjoy it!

User Comments

Comment by GUEST on 2015-11-22 03:38:55
I'll look into it I'm sure there is, I just gotta get all the aspect ratio's a-jivin', I think haha (I think one was on 16:9 and aetnhor 4:3).And yeah, there was a 10-minute time limit when I started recording, so I just wanted to run through and make sure all the sounds, etc. were going through. I will definitely slow those dialog boxes down Thanks for the tip!

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