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This Week's Update - 22/01/2010 Print
Written by Noirin Curran   
Jan 22, 2010 at 06:16 AM

Hello, and welcome to another installment of IrishGaming.Com! There's only another week to go until Warpcon XX, (Or Warpcon Kiss Kiss as it is also known) and myself and Nick will most certainly be there, gaming our little gamer socks off!

During the past week,We have begun to list the IrishGaming.Com scenarios by Game System, although it'll be a little while before we have them all categorised. Bear with us, and thanks to the wonderful Brian "It's Cable" Caball for giving us the idea!

Today, we have a LARP for you guys from Baz "My hobo name is Beggar Greg" Nugent: "The Brethern's Soup Kitchen" which was run at Itzacon 2009.

Don't forget to check back next week! We'll both be heading to Warpcon but we shall still be updating - see how dedicated we are, here at the IrishGaming.Com Towers?


User Comments

Comment by GUEST on 2015-12-21 02:41:34
Your micro SD card must be busted then. Same thing hepepnad to me, the card suddenly wiped itself and all the data in it was gone, but i got a new micro SD card and it works fine. The message just means it doesn't have a firmware on the micro SD card which u can download from the website and upload it onto your micro SD card if it happens again.

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