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Written by Noirin Curran   
Feb 01, 2012 at 04:02 AM

Hello, Irish Gamers, it's been awhile!

As Warpcon has now come to a close, we have a scenario for you from the lovely Mike Calnan, his 5-Player DC Adventures RPG from Warpcon 2012 - Batmen of the Future: The Last Laugh

15 years ago Gotham city was rocked by a rising tide of violence and chaos that only ended when Batman fought the Joker in Arkham Asylum. That night the Arkham burned and though no sign was ever found of either Joker or the Batman’s body neither was seen again in Gotham. Time passed and Gotham changed, the crazies and the costumed freaks faded from the city. Nowadays people rarely think about those terrible years when the city was terrorised by masked criminals and when they do many consider Batman as bad as the rest of them.

But all that is about to change, a terrorist claiming to be the Joker has attacked Gotham blowing up chemical bombs in crowded public spaces exposing dozens to the Joker toxin. With the city in chaos and the police seemingly powerless to help you have taken it upon yourself to take up the mantle of the Bat and see that Gotham is once more protected by the Dark Knight.

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Written by Noirin Curran   
Mar 04, 2011 at 06:31 AM

Goooood morning, Irish Gamers!

It's almost the weekend - I definitely have that Friday feeling - and to celebrate we have a Deathwatch game for you which was first run in January, at Warpcon 2011. Standing in the main hall at Warpcon while this game was on, as Nick and I happened to be, you could not fail to notice it. Seven tables full of players alternatively shouting at the tops of their lungs, threatening other tables of players and GMs, and calling each other out - here you have it, Ciaran "Sarky" O' Brien's Grimdark THIS! I believe the appropriate catch phrase is: "This makes me SO ANGRY!"

Disclaimer: Playing/Running this game may cause high blood pressure, laryngitis, and ANGER!!!

Leprecon is running this weekend in Trinity College, Dublin - hope everyone has a great time!


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Written by Nick Huggins   
Feb 25, 2011 at 05:40 AM

As promised, find the second of Shane's "Serve Cold" scenarios uploaded to the site, this week!

Irish "con season" looms large in March, featuring Leprecon, Retcon, and Itzacon. If you're writing a scenario for any of these, you know who'd love to take your scenario and pop it online and let the whole world see it? Yes, that's right, your Auntie IrishGaming.Com!

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